Festival Activation

The Challenge

A prominent client desired an interactive popup that could be easily deployed to assist in educating consumers on their products.  

The Solution

In 2016, 10 STAR created the Blue Lounge which was an adult-only touring activation that was first introduced at the Squamish Valley and Pemberton Music Festivals.  The structure had a custom-built rooftop lounge complete with a viewing platform, a premium consumption area at its base, and inside housed two interactive rooms.  One of the rooms contained a 360-degree theatre that included two projectors with mapping overlay functions which created animated digital graffiti as part of the experience.  Brand ambassadors were stationed on-site to sell the client’s products and we had a live DJ spinning tracks to keep the crowd entertained in between main performers’ sets.  

The Outcome

The lounge was an extremely high traffic destination for festival attendees with roughly 18,000 visitors over the two 3 day festivals